• Debugging Android Devices

    In this article we will explore the different facilities and tools available to debug Android based devices and produce robust systems that can handle a wide range of applications from smart fridges, to payment terminals, and of course mobile phones.

  • A Modern C Development Environment

    In this article we’ll go over how to set up a containerized development environment for C projects. We’ll touch on setting up a build system using CMake, a testing environment using Unity, and even how to use our containerized environment in our CI pipeline!

  • What we've been reading in July

    Here are the articles, videos, and tools that we’ve been excited about this July.

  • Understanding Battery Performance of IoT Devices

    In this post, I’ll cover how to start thinking about collecting metrics that contribute to battery life, how to dig into this data for individual devices, and finally how to aggregate all metrics from devices in the field to accurately predict the battery life of devices in the field for a given firmware release. All of these abilities will help projects optimize battery life and combat issues quickly when they arise, whether you have ten or a million devices in the field.

  • Asynchronous Rust on Cortex-M Microcontrollers

    In this article, we explore the inner workings of Futures, cooperative scheduling, and Async Rust executors, highlighting their significance in optimizing resource utilization. Moreover, we introduce the Rust Embassy project, an innovative framework designed to unlock the power of asynchronous programming on microcontrollers.

  • Matter, Thread, and Memfault

    I’m Markus, software engineer @ Tridonic, where we are working on Internet-connected wireless lighting solutions based on the Matter standard. To be able to monitor the reliability of those devices we’ve been using Memfault and tied it into Matter/Thread and its UDP/IPv6 stack based on the Nordic Connect SDK. In the following, I’ll show you the modifications we’ve done to enable Memfault in an IPv6 solution.

  • What we've been reading in June

    Here are the articles, videos, and tools that we’ve been excited about this June.

  • Emulating a Raspberry Pi in QEMU

    This article dives into QEMU, a popular open-source emulator, and how to use it to emulate a Raspberry Pi on your desktop. At the end of the article, we will put the whole environment in Docker, so you will be able to emulate a Raspberry Pi by just using a Docker container.