gdbundle - GDB and LLDB's Missing Plugin Manager

I started with embedded development at Pebble, the smart watch maker, where we were building a modern operating system on a device with 128 KB of RAM. It’s also where I got up-close and personal with GDB and had my first encounter with GDB’s Python API1.

On one of our bi-weekly hack-days, one of the firmware engineers wrote a script to pretty-print a summary of the heap for a device connected to GDB using its Python API (similar to this). It was awesome. But, using this script with GDB wasn’t without problems. We slowly grew it into a collection of scripts and improved our workflows. A few notable improvements were:

  • Add more scripts for each of our critical modules in the firmware, such as state machines, Bluetooth state, etc.
  • Instead of just printing the heap allocations, expose the heap through a Python Class. e.g. heap = Heap(g_heap); total_size = sum([b.size] for b in heap.iter_blocks()]).
  • Wrapping the GDB invocation and loading GDB Python scripts automatically so every developer on the team had them loaded and ready to use at all times.

This was back in 2015 or so. As I’ve moved to other companies, I’ve had the joy to spread the love of GDB scripting to other embedded software developers. It’s amazing how much a few Python scripts can improve one’s productivity in the debugger.

I have a personal goal (and it’s one of Memfault’s missions) to empower embedded software developers with the tools they need to get their job done, and I’m excited to share with you something I’ve been thinking about and building towards for over 3 years.

GDB and LLDB desperately need a way for developers to share scripts, user-interface improvements, and utilities with their peers. This would enable building upon existing work and debugging techniques, progressing the entire community and preventing developers from reinventing the wheel. GDB and LLDB need a plugin manager, and I’d like to introduce to you gdbundle.

Here is a link to the gdbundle Github page.

Whether you are an embedded engineer using GDB directly or through VSCode and Cortex-Debug, an iOS or Android developer using LLDB within XCode or Android Studio, or a C++ and Rust developer building x86 software, gdbundle will work for you.

This article speaks primarily to GDB, but gdbundle works perfectly with LLDB as well.

Why Does GDB Need a Plugin Manager?

Anyone who has used a modern language or code editor will tell you: package managers are fantastic! The GDB ecosystem stands to gain much from adopting one.

Within the past year, I’ve worked with four different microcontroller stacks, seven different Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS’s), and a handful of common low-level software libraries including Mbed TLS, the NRF5 SDK, the WICED Wi-Fi Stack, and many vendor SDK’s. Tens of thousands of developers use each one of these stacks/libraries, and every single one of them has to manually debug each module by hand by using GDB’s print functionality or writing their own scripts.

This is why embedded developers often choose to use proprietary debuggers over GDB, despite their cost and clunkiness. They have these debugging utilities built-in or allow extensions to be integrated and sold2, even though the software backing them isn’t all that complex.

I believe that most popular software libraries could and should have a complimentary debugging plugin for GDB that provides a holistic view of the state of the system without the developer needing to print linked-lists by hand.

More Customization

GDB is a professional tool used tens of thousands of developers. No two people use GDB the same way and they shouldn’t be required to. Given these facts, GDB should be able to adapt to each developer’s use case and empower them to do their job. The use cases for GDB span from reverse engineering binaries, debugging embedded software running on hardware connected over USB, to debugging super computers half-way across the world.

With this level of customization required, GDB needs to be able to easily tailor itself to many different use cases. There is no better way to enable this than having a package manager.

The Vim community has taken these ideals to heart. Vim began as a tiny text editor and has grown into a 800 lb. gorilla that’s still light on its toes. It didn’t get there alone though. It has a multitude of plugin managers, thousands of easily installable plugins, a growing contributor base (and Neovim), and it’s all configured by a simple ~/.vimrc configuration file.

Package Managers Increase Adoption and Build Community

At their core, package managers help developers build on top of previously existing work and manage dependencies between packages so that integrations go more smoothly.

Package managers also lower the barrier to entry for users and contributors to the platform, whether it’s a programming language, code editor, IDE, or operating system. For instance, a brand new user of Vim can install the latest version using brew install vim, set up the vim-plug3 plugin manager, define a list of plugins to install, and within 5 minutes have all the syntax packages, key mappings, and visual extensions they need to be productive.

One extra benefit of having a package manager is it increases discoverability. I frequently find myself browsing the VSCode Marketplace and VimAwesome every month or two to see what’s new.

GDB, unfortunately, doesn’t currently have these benefits. The authors of GDB scripts can’t rely on what is currently installed on the system, and there is no central repository of GDB scripts. Because of this, each user only installs what they stumble upon on the Internet or what they hear about from their peers. This in turn keeps the community and adoption small, and new developers turn to alternative solutions instead.

GDB’s Current Extensibility Hooks

Before covering what gdbundle is and how it works, I’d briefly like to talk about the extensibility that is already included with GDB4.

There are essentially three “built-in” ways to automatically load GDB scripts upon launch.

If you’d like to follow along, you may download the Interrupt repo and navigate to the example directory.

$ git clone
$ cd interrupt/example/gdbundle-plugin-manager/

Using --command Argument

GDB allows loading and executing scripts using the --command <file> and --eval-command <command> arguments. This is the one I recommend everyone to use, and I use it within all of my projects.

For example, we can load a local file called hello.gdb which contains a GDB command called hello.

# hello.gdb

define hello
echo "Hello World from .gdb\n"

To load this when we launch GDB, we can use --command /path/to/hello.gdb

$ gdb --command hello.gdb

(gdb) help user
User-defined commands.
The commands in this class are those defined by the user.
Use the "define" command to define a command.

List of commands:

hello -- User-defined

(gdb) hello
Hello World from .gdb

You can also load GDB Python scripts using this technique as well. Let’s create a hello_py command in a file


import gdb

class HelloPy(gdb.Command):
    def __init__(self):
        super(HelloPy, self).__init__('hello_py', gdb.COMMAND_USER)

    def invoke(self, _unicode_args, _from_tty):
        print("Hello World from .py")

$ gdb --command
(gdb) hello_py
Hello World from .py

If you don’t want to keep typing --command ... every time you launch GDB, or trying to convince or remind your co-workers to do the same, I suggest wrapping the GDB invocation with a CLI.

objfile-gdb.ext File

The next way that GDB allows you to auto-load extensions is by matching the object name to a script5. Let’s run through an example of this as well. Let’s create a c file called test.c.

// test.c

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  printf("%s\n", "Hello World");

Next, we’ll compile it into a binary named myexe.out.

$ gcc -g test.c -o myexe.out

Now that we have an executable called myexe.out, we can create a script file named <object_file_name>-gdb.gdb, or in our case myexe.out-gdb.gdb, and GDB will load it for us automatically.

NOTE: GDB will auto-load scripts from the directories listed in the command show auto-load scripts-directory or from the current working directory.

For this example, we’ll copy our previous file.

$ cp hello.gdb myexe.out-gdb.gdb

We can now launch GDB without any extra arguments other than the executable and verify that the command is loaded.

$ gdb myexe.out
(gdb) hello
Hello World from .gdb

This also works with GDB Python scripts, however, the filename must end with

.debug_gdb_scripts Section

Upon loading an ELF file, GDB will also look for a section called .debug_gdb_scripts6. This section can contain either filenames (e.g. or full scripts, like the HelloPy script we wrote above.

While I admit that this functionality is clever, it means that the information is hard-coded in the ELF file and cannot be easily changed at a later date. Adding a filename or fixing a bug in an embedded script would require creative uses of GNU binutils and some work re-distributing the ELF files.

gdbundle - Plugin Manager for GDB/LLDB

gdbundle is short for GDB bundle and is a plugin manager for GDB and LLDB.

To summarize, gdbundle plugins:

  • can be automatically loaded by gdbundle.
  • can be compatible with both GDB and LLDB.
  • can be both Python 2 and 3 compatible.
  • can be distributed through PyPi within Python packages.
  • can be installed using pip, poetry, etc.
  • can be installed into virtual environments to prevent version collisions.
  • can wrap pre-existing GDB plugins/scripts, such as cyrus-and/gdb-dashboard, so that modifying the original package is not necessary.

gdbundle tries to remain simple, un-opinionated, and delegates most of the work of loading the plugin to the plugin itself. Let’s go over how it works! It won’t take long.

By default, gdbundle:

  1. Searches for installed Python packages that begin with the name gdbundle_.
  2. Calls the gdbundle_load() function of each plugin module.
  3. In each plugin’s gdbundle_load() function, the plugin should source, import, and configure the GDB scripts that it has bundled inside (or from another package by way of a dependency).

And that is all.

gdbundle should work with LLDB out of the box, as all that is required is Python and a way to run the setup procedure at launch. Please check out the gdbundle for more information and examples.


gdbundle has a couple of requirements.

Python-compatible GDB

gdbundle requires a GDB compiled with Python. You can check if your GDB is configured correctly by the following quick test:

$ gdb
(gdb) python-interactive
>>> import sys; sys.version
'3.6.7 | packaged by conda-forge'

If a Python version is printed, everything should work! If not, there are a few things to try:

  • Brew and Ubuntu’s Apt both install a GDB with Python enabled.
  • Your distribution might also include a *-gdb-py version with Python enabled.
  • Clone binutils-gdb and try compiling it with the configuration flag --with-python.

Modification to .gdbinit

Just like Vim plugin managers require the user to edit their ~/.vimrc, gdbundle requires a snippet of code to be added to a loaded .gdbinit file.


import os,subprocess,sys
# Execute a Python using the user's shell and pull out the sys.path (for site-packages)
paths = subprocess.check_output('python -c "import os,sys;print(os.linesep.join(sys.path).strip())"',shell=True).decode("utf-8").split()
# Extend GDB's Python's search path

import gdbundle


For more information about exactly what is happening above, feel free to read the short section in Using PyPi Packages with GDB.

The first block is required to be able to use Python packages installed in the activated virtual environment, Conda environment, or non-default Python installation.

The second part, gdbundle.init(), is what is new and will load installed gdbundle plugins.

NOTE: The major (and ideally minor) version of Python linked with GDB should match the version that is activated at the time of launch, whether that is a virtual environment, Conda environment, brew Python installation, etc. Mismatched major versions will cause packages and plugins to either break in mysterious ways or not show up at all. More information can be found in the gdbundle

Creating a gdbundle Plugin

No plugin manager introduction would be complete without an example plugin. I’ve created a “Hello World” plugin for gdbundle called gdbundle-example. Let’s dig in and see how it’s built.


Below is the directory structure of our example plugin that works with GDB and LLDB.

├── gdbundle_example
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── scripts
│       ├── example_gdb.gdb
│       ├──
│       └──
└── pyproject.toml

Simple, right? I’ve opted to use pyproject.toml instead of because I wanted to embrace the future of standardized packaging, but note that these packages will work with Python 2 and 3, so it shouldn’t matter.

How It Works

Let’s look at the code in gdbundle_example/

import gdb
import os

PACKAGE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    [PACKAGE_DIR, 'scripts', 'example_gdb.gdb'],
    [PACKAGE_DIR, 'scripts', '']

def _abs_path(path):
    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*path))

def gdbundle_load():
    for script_path in SCRIPT_PATHS:
        gdb.execute("source {}".format(_abs_path(script_path)))

Notice the gdbundle_load function which gdbundle will call directly. When this is called, it takes each script file located in scripts/ and tells GDB to source it. Notice that both GDB Python and GDB Command scripts work!

By using gdb.execute("source <script>"), plugins can source GDB scripts that were never designed with gdbundle in mind or designed to be distributed.

A Few Real gdbundle Plugins

Given the flexibility of gdbundle itself, it can allow the developer to package up any of the already existing GDB scripts and make installation easier for everyone.

Here are a few more examples of plugins I’ve created that wrap popular packages that I use frequently.

Summary of Benefits of using gdbundle

There are a handful of indisputable benefits of using gdbundle.

  1. Just pip install gdbundle-<plugin-name>. No more manually editing your ~/.gdbinit in specific ways depending on the extension.
  2. It enables developers to use virtual environments (and encourages it!) without the need for each plugin to mangle sys.path in creative ways and install native packages using apt or brew.
  3. Personal projects and team projects can have project-specific requirements.txt and .gdbinit files. With these two in place, a new developer would just need to pip install -r requirements.txt and they’ll have everything they need to start using the plugins.
  4. Discoverability. Want to find out what new gdbundle packages exist? Just go to PyPi and search.
  5. Dependency management and version tracking is now done automatically by Python’s packaging infrastructure. No more telling users to download a new version of the script or writing your own script.

The Future

So, where does gdbundle go from here? Honestly, it’s up to everyone reading this. I’ve been using this internally for a few weeks, and I have been battle testing the sys.path hi-jacking approach for 3 years (along with ~100 developers at my previous company). I am confident in the approach taken, but just like I said about GDB, a plugin manager is nothing without the community and willing developers to hack something together.

gdbundle is in its infancy, and I’m looking forward to any feature requests or issues that you can think of!

All the code used in this blog post is available on Github.

See anything you'd like to change? Submit a pull request or open an issue on our GitHub

Neat GDB Script Repositories

I came across some neat repositories of GDB scripts while I was searching the Internet. I’ve included them below for anyone looking to learn more about how people use GDB Python.

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Debugging Utilities

  • Linux - scripts/gdb/
    The master set of Linux GDB scripts, which allow developers to pretty print nearly everything about the state of the kernel.
  • CPython - Tools/gdb/
    Coming full circle, a common way to debug CPython is to use a set of GDB Python scripts to more easily print data structures.
  • Facebook/hhvm
    An extensive collection of pretty-printers, utilities, I particularly like the and files as they have a random collection of goodies.
  • MongoDB - buildscripts/gdb/
    Debug utilities for MongoDB to print current threads, mutexes, stacks, and other state.
  • PX4/Firmware - platforms/nuttx/Debug/
    A wonderful collection of GDB scripts for the NuttX RTOS to print threads, mutexes, heap information, and data structures. The names of the commands could use some work.

Usability / UI Enhancements

  • cyrus/gdb-dashboard
    If anyone has a GDB UI enhancement set up, it’s probably this one. It’s popular with embedded engineers I know and provides a full overview of the system state.
  • vim-scripts/Conque-GDB
    Also popular with embedded engineers I know, it allows a GDB session to be used within Vim cleanly. If you’re a Vim user, definitely check it out.
  • PlasmaHH/vdb
    I stumbled upon this one and it looks great! It only has 2 Github stars, but has some great visualizations to show jumps for assembly.
  • snare/voltron
    Similar to gdb-dashboard and surprisingly compatible with GDB, LLDB, VDB, and WinDbg.

Reverse Engineering Enhancements

I can’t speak to much of these since I am not the target market, but these all look powerful and helpful.


Tyler Hoffman has worked on the embedded software teams at Pebble and Fitbit. He is now a founder at Memfault.