A Schematic Review Checklist for Firmware Engineers

Schematic reviews are a part of the hardware development cycle in many if not most, hardware development companies. Typically led by the electrical engineering team, it is easy to overlook design issues that will be important to the firmware team. This post tells of a few stories of design misses that I have made and puts some common lessons learned into a checklist for other firmware engineers. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather a starting point for a firmware engineer to build their own checklist with the goal of helping teams catch software/hardware interaction bugs earlier in the design cycle when they’re cheaper to fix.

This post is written in a voice that makes two general assumptions:

  1. The reader is a firmware engineer.
  2. The reader is not doing the schematic layout

While those two assumptions helped me write this post, I think the learnings/stories in it are still applicable for a variety of setups. e.g.: If the reader is an electrical engineer that wants to understand some firmware concerns. Or if the reader is responsible for both the electrical and firmware design of a project. With either of these assumptions broken, feel free to put on your firmware engineer hat and read! Hopefully, this will be helpful for you.

Schematic Review - What’s Your Role as a Firmware Engineer

Most of the schematic reviews I’ve attended are led by electrical engineers and are focused on the electrical components of the system. There are usually some questions about whether the proper diode was used or the capacitors were selected properly. Things that an electrical engineer should care about but typically fly over my head. As a firmware engineer, I’ve found it useful to think about what hardware features the code I’ll end up writing will need. Starting from that perspective, I can leverage the schematic review as an opportunity to catch design issues while the fix is relatively cheap, before hardware has gone through various rounds of testing, which can be the difference between hitting a schedule or not.

“Schematic review” here is mostly used as an easy blog post title, and a clear time for the firmware and electrical teams to interact. However, the important piece of this post is that you as a firmware engineer work with your electrical engineering counterpart to ensure you have the hardware you need to develop, debug, and deploy your code. And you identify those needs early on in the development cycle with the electrical team when changes to PCBs are relatively cheap.

Some pre-schematic review checklist items:

  • Get invited to the schematic review. Really, this is a callout to be working with your electrical engineer. If you’ve been working with your electrical engineer, providing guidance on what hardware you’ll need, being invited to the schematic review should be a given.
  • Build your checklist upfront. Use this blog post as a starting point, but make sure you customize the list for the given project.

Story 1 - Brown-out Loop

Years ago, I worked on an LTE enabled e-bike. The LTE module was powered off the battery that powered the electric assist for the bike, but had a single cell backup battery that would be used if the main battery was removed from the device.

Once these modules were in the field, we started getting reports of them being bricked. Upon inspection, we found that many of these devices had external flash corruption, which was creating a bricked device due to a corrupt data structure in external flash which caused the filesystem to crash when booting.

Looking at some of the logs on these devices, we could see that before the flash corruption occurred, the device was getting caught in a brown-out loop. Reproducing this in the lab, we found that at low backup battery, during an LTE transmission, the voltage of the battery would sag, the battery controller would hit a low voltage cutoff, and the device would shut off. Once the device shut-off, the LTE transmission would immediately stop, the voltage of the battery would recover, and the battery controller would re-enable the battery. Once the battery was re-enabled, the device would turn back on, where it would attempt to write to flash on boot and simultaneously attempt an LTE transmission, which would cause a brown-out, and we’d loop again. It would do this thousands of times before the battery voltage was low enough that it would stop recovering.

Because of this brown-out loop, we were stress testing our external flash power cycle resilience, and needless to say, we found bugs. Unfortunately for us, our hardware did not have a method of shutting itself off. This meant that, even if we know the backup battery had insufficient power to power our device, we could not shut-off the entire system.

As a workaround, we ended up putting a voltage detection circuit + loop at the very start of our firmware. If the device was attempting to boot with a measured voltage of < CUTOFF VOLTAGE and the device did not detect a second power source (measured by a GPIO being pulled high), the device would sit in a while (!external_power_okay()) {pet_watchdog();} style loop, keeping at least external flash ok. We also upgraded our external flash filesystem to a version that was much more resilient to boot loops.

After this story, I always look to see if a battery powered device can both: (1) effectively monitor battery state of charge, and (2) shutdown in a low state of charge condition to prevent these sort of brown-out loops.

Story 2 - Reset By Power Drain

On that same project years back, we occasionally noticed the device would become unresponsive. While we had a watchdog, for some reason the watchdog was either not triggering, or not resetting enough state on the device. Once we were able to connect our debug tools (namely, a CAN dongle), we could send a reset command the device, it would recover and work perfectly. However, we had missed designing in from the beginning a mechanism to reset the device that was accessible to our users.

Because we had a battery in the device, our instructions to our users were to “set the device aside and wait for the battery to lose power.” Unfortunately for us, the bike stuck in this state was also in our lowest power mode and had no UX difference between a bike with a dead battery. We instructed our users to let bikes set for 4 days before they could recover. That’s a pretty poor user experience.

While we solved this in future releases by adding an NFC based reset, this is an issue that can only be fixed going forward, and not in reverse. Adding a physical way to reset the device for a human user from the beginning is a very powerful solution. How many things are fixed by “turning it off and turning it back on again”?

Story 3 - I2C Resets

While developing a fitness tracker, I kept running into a bug where I occasionally needed to fully power cycle a device to get the temperature sensor to start working again. The temperature sensor was connected over I2C, and digging into the issue, I found that, when this was happening, the I2C SDA line was stuck low. We were able to reproduce that failure by having the MCU reset in the middle of an I2C read. Because the I2C controller on the MCU was controlling the clock and stopped clocking, the peripheral was still driving the SDA line, waiting for the next clock signal.

We had no reset line headed to the I2C device, so we could not reset the I2C device. However, we could manually clock out the remaining SCL cycles on the SCL line, and so modified our boot sequence to manually toggle the SCL line to “clock out” the remaining data, freeing up the I2C bus.

However, I’d still have preferred a true reset line.

Story 4: GPIO Maps

This is less of a war story and more of a shoutout to good electrical engineers. Before walking into the schematic review for one project I was working on, the EE on the project published a spreadsheet of all the GPIOs for the MCU. This included their main function after reset, intended function, and any additional notes. It made it very easy as a firmware engineer to scan the list of GPIOs and ensure they were all configured properly. I’d recommend this is something that all firmware engineers ask for when looking at a schematic.

Story 5: Too much or too little debug

I worked on a project once with an electrical engineer that proposed we make it hard to attach a debugger to the board. He proposed that we force someone to solder wires/leads to debug pads in order to get a debugger to work. As a young firmware engineer, I was floored. The debugger was my lifeline, and especially on a Cortex-M4 could help troubleshoot so many things. Making it difficult for a firmware engineer to use their most powerful tool seemed ludicrous to me.

However, the electrical engineers point was that firmware engineers rely too much on debuggers to debug devices, and don’t spend enough time building tools/systems to track down crashes/bugs in the field, where a debugger is likely not attached. This was a good point. While working on fitness trackers years ago, I’d seen a firmware update over UART protocol continuously fail because none of the firmware developers used it (because it was broken of course). This meant it was only ever used by our QA team, who would file bugs, but it was never prioritized until one day it became a necessary firmware update path, and required a lot of scripting on the host side to work around firmware bugs.

So I think that debuggers are essential tools for firmware engineers, and we should not hamper their usage. However, it’s important to commit to building tools and systems for debugging systems in the field that use only the tools that will be available in the field, as your end goal as a firmware developer is to be able to fix those issues, not just the ones you can see at your desk.

My current checklist

Given these experiences, I have compiled the following list:


  • How does the firmware shutdown the device? Especially for a battery powered device.1
  • For a battery powered device, Can the firmware measure how much power is available? How much accuracy is needed in this measurement? 1
  • How does a user reset your device?2


  • Provide a GPIO map in a spreadsheet, with main function after reset, intended function, and any additional notes.
  • Are all MCU peripherals used only once?
  • If the MCU is held in reset, are the peripheral devices held in their proper state? (Pull-up/pull-downs where needed)
  • Does the reset line have a proper pull-up or pull-down? (This is a common failure, so worth noting).
  • Are the debug GPIOs used only for debug purposes?


  • Do you have a mechanism to reset all IC’s attached to buses (when appropriate)?
  • Are all I2C devices on the same bus on different addresses?
  • If your MCU resets in the middle of an I2C read, how do you recover talking with the device you were reading from?3
  • If your MCU resets in the middle of a SPI transfer, how does the device the MCU was talking with handle that?
  • For all UART devices, are Rx/Tx lines setup properly (ensure Tx->Rx, and check the datasheets of the device to see if Rx means receiving on the peripheral side)?
  • For all UART devices, are RTS/CTS lines needed?
  • For all UART devices, are RTS/CTS lines setup properly (this is confusing, because RTS -> CTS, but some devices label them differently)?

Memory/Flash Storage

  • Do you have a code size estimate? And RAM estimate? How much buffer do you have in case your estimate is low?
  • Do you have sufficient space for additional features over the lifetime of the product?
  • Where will crash logs be stored? (Typically need to survive a system reset). Think about this when thinking about RAM requirements.

Debug/Test Infrastructure

  • How will you (a firmware engineer) attach a debugger to the board? (By soldering is not usually a good answer).5
  • Are non-essential, but helpful, GPIOs exposed for a debugger, such as SWO or ETM?
  • Do test points exist for power rails, analog signals, and buses?


This checklist captures the most important items I have learned to ask about as a firmware developer in schematic reviews. Feel free to take it/modify, and add to it. Or, even better, comment on this article with your own horror stories and lessons learned! I’ve found it useful to keep stories with rules to help me remember why the rules exist in the first place. All rules are meant to be broken, and sometimes I end up waiving items from the checklist, or adding new items for specific projects. These rules have helped me catch a few hardware/software interactions before boards were produced, which helped us keep to our schedule and get devices shipped on time!

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Mark Schulte is a firmware engineer trying to firmware