Publishing the Memfault SDK as an ESP-IDF Component

In this very Memfault-centric post, I’ll be talking about how we shipped our SDK as an ESP-IDF component. This is a continuation of our efforts to make it easier to integrate Memfault into your projects, specifically targeting ESP32-based projects.

What are we talking about here

Ok, so full disclosure- your author is employed by Memfault, and this post is going to be talking a LOT about our Memfault Firmware SDK! In spite of that, I hope it’s an interesting walkthrough of this specific problem we recently tackled.

ESP Component Registry

A little over 2 years ago, in 2022, Espressif introduced the ESP Component Registry, to streamline sharing and reusing public components.

Initially, it was used for breaking up the ESP-IDF itself into smaller components, but it has since grown to include a variety of third-party components. This is a great way to share code and make it easier to integrate into your projects.

Memfault Firmware SDK

Memfault’s Firmware SDK is a platform-agnostic SDK that provides a set of observability/telemetry features for embedded devices:

  • Fault capture and analysis
  • Log collection
  • Metrics collection
  • Reboot tracking

It’s designed to be easy to integrate into your project, and we’re constantly working to make it even easier.

We’ve supported the ESP32 series of chips for a while now (over 4 years! 😮 time flies), but our integration has always required manually adding the SDK to your project:

  1. Clone the SDK into your project folder (typically as a submodule)
  2. Add the SDK to your project’s CMakeLists.txt
  3. Set up necessary Kconfig settings to enable the SDK

Compare that with our Zephyr integration, where you can just add the SDK as a west module to a project’s west.yml file like so:

    - name: memfault-firmware-sdk
      revision: 1.11.5

Add the CONFIG_MEMFAULT=y Kconfig setting, and the Memfault SDK is enabled in your project.

This is great! and it’s the user experience we’d love for all our supported platforms (looking at you, Eclipse-based IDEs… 😁).

How we go from manual mode to component

Let me tell you about our existing integration

ESP-IDF’s build system is based on CMake and has a LOT of features and options.

The manual is here if you’re interested in going on a deep dive:

From our perspective, there are essentially 4 steps that happen when you build an ESP-IDF-based project1 (names are my own):

Picture of 4 steps of esp-idf build system

  1. Scan and load all selected components- each component’s CMakeLists.txt file is processed in script mode
  2. Kconfig files are loaded from ESP-IDF and all registered components. Kconfig settings are loaded (from sdkconfig or sdkconfig.defaults if sdkconfig is not already generated), and the final configuration is generated
  3. Process the component CMakeLists.txt files by including the component directories. This loads all the component source files, etc.
  4. Build the project, producing the output artifacts (.elf files, OTA images, etc).

Memfault’s existing integration enables our component by adding the directory to the EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS CMake variable, which causes the SDK folder to be processed, and we call register_component() in our component CMakeLists.txt to add the SDK to the build.

Note that we’re using register_component() here, instead of the modern idf_component_register() function (see documentation), because we need to support older versions of ESP-IDF. More about that later!

Otherwise, our SDK component is pretty standard- we have a CMakeLists.txt file and a Kconfig file that define the SDK’s build and configuration settings. Take a look here if you’re curious:

What we need to do to make this a component

ESP Component Registry-enabled components have the following properties:

  • Root-level idf_component.yml manifest
  • Root-level CMakeLists.txt and Kconfig files
  • The enclosing folder name must exactly match the component name

We have essentially 2 options when it comes to making our SDK an ESP-IDF component:

  1. Reorganize our SDK to put the ESP port at the root and the core files under src, etc:
    • This is the simplest option, but it requires changing the Memfault SDK’s folder structure
  2. Use a CMakeLists.txt file in the SDK’s root folder to include the SDK folder:
    • This is more complex, but it allows us to keep the SDK’s folder structure as-is

We’ll go with option #2 because it’s simpler to keep the ESP Component version of our SDK as close as possible to the upstream version (mostly, less confusing for us, the maintainers!).

Making the change

The first step is to create the required root-level files:

  • idf_component.yml: this one’s pretty straightforward:

      Memfault SDK for embedded systems. Observability, logging, crash reporting,
      and OTA all in one service

    Note: we leave off the version: field, which is inserted when the component is packed for upload (see reference here)

  • CMakeLists.txt: this will shim over to our existing component CMakeLists.txt, but only if we’re building as an ESP-IDF component:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12.4)
  • Kconfig: this will shim over to our existing component Kconfig file similarly to the CMakeLists.txt:

    # If the repo is being used as an ESP-IDF component, bring in the ESP-IDF-specific
    # Kconfig file. Otherwise, this should be unused.
    if IDF_TARGET != ""
    rsource "ports/esp_idf/memfault/Kconfig"

There were a few minor tweaks needed to the existing CMakeLists.txt (at ports/esp_idf/memfault/CMakeLists.txt) to make it work when included in this way, but nothing notable- just a few path adjustments.

Testing the change!

The ESP component tooling permits selecting a local path for a component, like so:

  # Define local dependency with relative path
    path: ../../projects/component

One nuance here- the component name specified must exactly match the enclosing folder name or the build will fail.

Memfault uses a monorepo for our development, where the Memfault Firmware SDK is located in a subfolder at sdk/embedded. To make it easy to test the component change, we’ll create a bind mount with the correct name (memfault-firmware-sdk), so we can work out of our monorepo and test the component build without needing to copy files around:

mkdir /tmp/memfault-firmware-sdk && \
sudo mount --bind /path/to/memfault-monorepo/sdk/embedded /tmp/memfault-firmware-sdk

Now, we can update our sample ESP32 app to use the Memfault SDK from the filesystem as a component:

    path: /tmp/memfault-firmware-sdk

And build the project: build

The ESP-IDF build system will print out the loaded components by default, so we can check the build output (it’s pretty busy, truncated for brevity below):

-- Components: ... memfault-firmware-sdk ...
-- Component paths: ... /tmp/memfault-firmware-sdk ...

This makes iterating on the component changes much easier. We’ve now confirmed our changes work as expected 🎉!

Final steps

Let’s use the ESP component tooling to package up our component for upload to the ESP Component Registry. Modern ESP-IDF development environments come with the compote Python tool pre-installed. Otherwise, it can be installed with pip install idf-component-manager to a Python environment.

# Running from the root folder of our component
❯ compote component pack --name memfault-firmware-sdk --version 1.11.4-rc1
Saving archive to "dist/memfault-firmware-sdk_1.11.4-rc1.tgz"

That spits out an archive that can be uploaded to the ESP Component Registry. We can also unpack the archive and confirm the contents look sane- it’s a copy of the files with the idf_component.yml manifest stamped with the version number.

We can test the component end-to-end now by uploading it to the component registry:

❯ compote component upload \
  --archive dist/memfault-firmware-sdk_1.11.4-rc1.tgz \
  --namespace memfault \
  --name memfault-firmware-sdk

Note: the example command above is uploading the component to the memfault namespace. To register a new namespace, you’ll need to create an account on the ESP Component Registry website- the namespace will be set to the user account name. Espressif does support custom namespaces, but they need to be manually created by contacting Espressif.

Auto-publishing the component

We can automate the component publishing process by adding a step to our existing Memfault SDK publishing automation. A simplified example is shown below, using GitHub Actions:

name: Publish ESP Component

      - "v*"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Set up Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: "3.x"

      - name: Install compote
        run: pip install idf-component-manager

      - name: Build and publish component
          # This token is used to authenticate with the ESP Component Registry
        run: |
          compote component pack --name memfault-firmware-sdk --version $
          compote component upload --archive dist/memfault-firmware-sdk_$.tgz --namespace memfault --name memfault-firmware-sdk

Continuous verification of the component

Finally, we also want to make sure the component doesn’t break in the future (maybe we change some paths or files in the SDK that break the component).

We take a couple of strategies to ensure this:

  • Confirm the component builds every time we push a change to the internal development repo for the SDK
  • A nightly check that the latest published component on the registry builds successfully
  • A second nightly check that confirms the component builds successfully with the latest ESP-IDF master branch, in case there’s upcoming tooling or build changes that we need to be aware of


It’s a pretty dry topic, but it is always interesting to learn about a new software packaging system!

Some of the techniques apply to other build systems, especially the overall methodology:

  1. Identify and make the changes
  2. Test (focus on an efficient test strategy!)
  3. Automate the verification and distribution process

It was a fun project to work on, and I’m excited to see the Memfault SDK available as an ESP-IDF component; we love making it simpler to integrate Memfault into your projects, and this removes a few manual steps from the process 🥳.

The final component is now available here:

One last thing- the ESP Component system permits including example apps. In our case, it’s the same example application we provide with the non-component SDK2. You can find the example here in the ESP Component Registry page:

And the ESP tooling makes it very easy to try out:

❯ create-project-from-example "memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk:esp32/apps/memfault_demo_app"
Executing action: create-project-from-example
Example "esp32/apps/memfault_demo_app" successfully downloaded to /home/noah/dev/memfault/interrupt/memfault_demo_app

❯ cd memfault_demo_app

# Add a Memfault Project Key:echo "CONFIG_MEMFAULT_PROJECT_KEY=\"dummy\"\n" >> sdkconfig.defaults

# Build for the default ESP32 target, flash, and start the serial port monitor:
❯ build flash monitor

Thanks for reading!

See anything you'd like to change? Submit a pull request or open an issue on our GitHub


  1. This is a simplification, but it’s close enough for our purposes. See full explanation here

  2. The example app is a simple ESP32 app that demonstrates the Memfault SDK’s features, and can be found here 

Noah Pendleton is an embedded software engineer at Memfault. Noah previously worked on embedded software teams at Fitbit and Markforged.