Diving into JTAG — Security (Part 6)

The JTAG interface is an important tool for debugging and testing embedded systems, providing low-level access to the internal workings of microcontrollers and other integrated circuits. However, this powerful interface also presents significant security threats. In the sixth and final part of this Diving into JTAG article series, we will focus on security issues related to JTAG and the Debug Port.

Disclaimer 1: I am not a cyber-security expert and not deeply immersed in this topic, so this article does not aim to uncover any secrets or provide an in-depth exploration. It is a brief discussion from a standard firmware engineering perspective.

Disclaimer 2: This article is for informational purposes only and does not encourage hacking.


Let’s start by considering simple protection methods that can be applied to make life more difficult for an attacker who wants to gain unauthorized access to a device using the JTAG interface.


The simplest, most obvious, but probably least effective method of protection is to restrict access to the JTAG connector at the board level. This restriction is achieved by physically removing the JTAG connector from the board at the end of production, as shown in this picture, where you can see that the JTAG connector was removed:

The Board-level protection example 1

Another protection option is suitable when there is no JTAG connector on the board at all and the JTAG pins are scattered across the board as test points. For example, in the next picture, you can see that the board contains JTAG pins as separate pads.

The Board-level protection example 2

However, as you well understand, these methods provide only the most basic protection, as soldering a JTAG connector is not a significant effort, nor is finding the necessary JTAG pins on the microcontroller, especially when its part number is written on the package, as shown in the photo. But even if the microcontroller is unknown, there are ways to scan the pins of the microcontroller to discover the necessary JTAG pins (I will discuss these methods in more detail later).


Debug interfaces are convenient during device development and debugging, but it is good practice to disable them in the release version of the device/firmware. There are configurable bits in the microcontroller’s non-volatile memory to disable certain debug interface functions. The flexibility of configuring protection features depends on the specific core and microcontroller model.

For instance, access to flash memory can be disabled. Some microcontroller models support completely disabling the debug interface. The exact configuration of possible protection features can be found in the microcontroller’s documentation. An example is the Flash Readout Protection (RDP) technology in STM32 microcontrollers. This technology allows for the protection of the contents of the microcontroller’s embedded flash memory from being read through the debug interface.

The RDP Levels

RDP has three levels of protection (0, 1, and 2):

  • Level 0 (default RDP level) The flash memory is fully open, and all memory operations are possible in all boot configurations (debug features, boot from RAM, boot from system memory bootloader, boot from flash memory). There is no protection in this configuration mode that is appropriate only for development and debug.
  • Level 1 Flash memory accesses (read, erase, program), or SRAM2 accesses via debug features (such as serial-wire or JTAG) are forbidden, even while booting from SRAM or system memory bootloader. In these cases, any read request to the protected region generates a bus error. However, when booting from flash memory, accesses to both flash memory and to SRAM2 (from user code) are allowed.
  • Level 2 All protections provided in Level 1 are active, and the MCU is fully protected. The RDP option byte and all other option bytes are frozen and can no longer be modified. The JTAG, SWV (single-wire viewer), ETM, and boundary scan are all disabled.

RDP can always be leveled up. Increasing the level is necessary in the following cases:

  • Intellectual property protection: Increasing the RDP level prevents reading the contents of the flash memory, which protects the firmware and other important data from being copied or analyzed by third parties.

  • Prevention of unauthorized firmware modification: At higher protection levels (e.g., Level 2), it becomes impossible not only to read but also to write to flash memory without completely resetting the microcontroller. This helps prevent the introduction of malicious modifications to the software.

  • Debugging protection: When the RDP level is raised, the microcontroller disables debugging interfaces (e.g., JTAG or SWD), preventing attackers from using them to debug and analyze the program’s operation.

  • Compliance with safety standards: In some applications (e.g., automotive or medical technology), compliance with certain safety standards is required, which necessitates hardware-level data protection.

A level regression is possible with the following consequences:

  • Regression from RDP level 1 to RDP level 0 leads to a flash memory mass erase and the erase of SRAM2 and backup registers. You may need to perform a level regression to update software already in flash memory or when you need to repair a production device that has been returned.
  • In RDP level 2, no regression is possible.

In consumer products, RDP should always be set to at least level 1. This setting prevents basic attacks through the debug port or bootloader. RDP level 2 is mandatory for implementing applications with a higher level of security.

The RDP technology for STM32 is an example; similar protection technologies exist for other microcontrollers.


Naturally, if there are defense mechanisms against the use of debugging interfaces, there are also well-known vulnerabilities in these defense mechanisms. Let’s consider the main and most well-known of them.

In general, all attacks can be divided into the following types:

  • Software attacks are carried out in particular by exploiting bugs, weaknesses in protocols or untrusted code fragments. Attacks on communication channels (interception or usurpation) fall into this category. Software attacks account for the vast majority of cases. Their cost can be very low. They can be widespread and repeatable with tremendous damage. It is not necessary to have physical access to the device. The attack can be performed remotely.
  • Hardware attacks require physical access to the device. The most obvious one uses the debug port if it is not secured. In general, however, hardware attacks are complex and expensive. They are carried out with specialized materials and require electronics skills. There is a distinction between non-invasive attacks (carried out at the board or chip level without destroying the device) and invasive attacks (carried out at the device and silicon level with the destruction of the package).

Attacks on the JTAG interface belong to the hardware non-invasive attack type.

Detecting JTAG pins

If there is absolutely no documentation for a given chip, the first thing an attacker would do is detect the actual JTAG pins. Special tools leverage some features of the JTAG protocol to automate the detection process. Let’s dive into them.


Feature one: very often the IR register is connected to the IDCODE register, which means that the intended pinout can be tested by a method called IDCODE Scan. This method is simple because there is no need to scan IR and the IDCODE register has a fixed length of 32 bits. The algorithm of the method is as follows:

  1. First we select the pins we want to scan and put these pins in correspondence with JTAG lines (TMS, TCK, etc.), by luck, as you want. But, if there are too many pins to be tested, you can potentially reduce their number by doing some work with measuring the electrical parameters (resistance, voltage) of the tested pins and using these measurements to draw conclusions about the pin belonging to one or another JTAG signal, at least to determine GND and VCC and not to include these pins in further scanning. This procedure is shown very well in this video clip.
  2. Generate the sequence 0b0100 on the selected TMS pin to move to the Shift-DR state.
  3. Hold TMS in logic zero and generate 32 clock pulses on the TCK pin.
  4. Read the bits to be advanced on TDO.
  5. If more than one zero or one is read from TDO, this is a pretty good indication that the electrical JTAG connection is working properly. You can try googling the read IDCODE and with some luck, you will be able to determine not only the JTAG pins, but also the type of microcontroller. If the TDO pin reads only ones or zeros, you have incorrectly assigned the pins in step 1, and you need to reassign the pins and repeat the whole procedure.

However, this method has a number of disadvantages:

  • This method does not find the TDI pin.
  • If the JTAG circuit contains more than one TAP, it may take more than 32 iterations to find IDCODE, which means that if after e.g. 64 iterations you do not get a TDO pattern similar to IDCODE on the TDO pin, it does not mean that you have selected the wrong pins; it is possible that the JTAG circuit contains many TAPs.


This method uses the BYPASS register to scan the JTAG circuit. The BYPASS register allows you to skip a logic element in the circuit and directly transfer data from input to output, minimizing latency.

  1. The first step is the same as the first step in the IDCODE scan method.
  2. Send the sequence 0b01100 on the selected TMS pin to move it to the Shift-IR state.
  3. Send the BYPASS command. Since the size of the IR register is not known, you have to send a large number of ones (as many as 1024, for example).
  4. Send the sequence 0b11000 to the selected TMS pin, thus moving to the Shift-DR state.
  5. Using the TDI output - send some bit pattern that can be easily recognized.
  6. Read the bits from the TDO pin. If a bit pattern is detected, it means that you have selected the pins correctly.

This algorithm is slower than the previous one, but it can detect all JTAG pins.

If you have a lot of candidate output, it is recommended to first reduce the number of candidates using IDCODE Scan and then refine BYPASS Scan.

Of course, every time to do all these steps manually is quite boring and tedious so smart people have long ago automated this process. Quite popular tools are: JTAGenum and JTAGULATOR.

If the highest level of RDP 2 protection has been applied to the microcontroller, JTAGulator and similar tools will not help.

Examples of such attacks are described in more detail in the following sources:

Attack on JTAG

The next thing an attacker will determine is the number of devices in the JTAG chain, because even if we have only one microcontroller connected to JTAG - the number of TAPs in the chain may be more than one. Next, we need to determine the lengths of the IR and DR registers, as well as the number of DR registers theoretically available.

Determining the number of TAPs in a JTAG chain

The following algorithm can be used to determine the number of TAPs in a JTAG chain:

  • Send the sequence 0b01100 on the TMS pin, thus switching to the Shift-IR state.
  • Push a bunch of ones (as many as you can spare, e.g., 1000) through TDI to all IR registers in the chain. After this, all TAPs will be in BYPASS.
  • Send the sequence 0b11000 to the selected TMS pin, thus switching to the Shift-DR state.
  • Push a bunch of zeros (as many as you can spare, e.g., 1000) through TDI into all DR pins in the chain to reset them to zero
  • Start pushing ones through TDI into DR. As soon as you get a one from TDO, stop. The number of TAPs in the chain is equal to the number of ones pushed in.

Determining the size of IR and DR

The next step is to determine the length of the IR and DR registers:

  • Send on the TMS pin the sequence 0b01100 thus moving to the Shift-IR state.
  • Push many ones through TDI and then send 0.
  • After that, keep pushing ones to TDI, counting the number of cycles before 0 appears on TDO. The number of cycles (plus one) will equal the length of the IR register.
  • To find the length of DR, perform the same steps, but in the Shift-DR state

Defining undocumented JTAG instructions

Defining undocumented instructions is useful to an attacker because in many cases, these instructions hide test and debug functions, such as BIT modes for memory and I/O; scan modes; or debug modes and functions.

In the last section, we determined the length of the IR register, and thus we found out the theoretical number of available JTAG commands (DR registers). However, the number of actually implemented commands can be much smaller than the theoretical number. To determine the implemented commands, an attacker must scan and check the whole range. Fortunately, the IR register is very often relatively small and unrealized commands usually behave like BYPASS or generate some fixed value on the TDO pin. However, even with these facts, identifying undocumented commands is a very difficult task, because the implementation of commands other than standard commands is not specified in JTAG and each manufacturer is free to do what it wants, so there is no universal algorithm, so it is almost always solved by searching all available commands and trying to determine how the behavior of the microcontroller has changed to understand what a particular command does.

You can find more details here

Debug Port (RDP) Attack

As we discussed when introducing RDP protection, any device released must have protection enabled. In such cases, to copy the firmware, for example, an attacker has to use techniques such as chip decapping or glitching the hardware logic by manipulating inputs such as power or clock sources and using the resulting behavior to successfully bypass these protections. However, sometimes , an attacker does not have to use such hardcore methods to achieve their goal, especially if the level of protection enabled is not the highest. In this section, I will give a high-level description of a few attack techniques. For a deeper dive, see the full articles linked with each.

Firmware dumping technique for an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC

The first example describes a technique that allows you to read firmware from the nRF51822 device even though memory read protection is enabled. However, the protection level leaves access to the Debug Port and allows the reading and writing of processor registers and even executing debug commands such as step. Through this exposure, an attacker can read the firmware.

Debugger access allows us to write values to the PC (program counter) register to jump to any instruction and enables us to perform step-by-step execution of instructions. We can also read and write the contents of the processor’s general-purpose registers. To read from protected memory, we need to find a load word instruction with an operand register, set the target address in the operand register, and execute this single instruction. Since we can’t read flash memory, we don’t know where the instructions are located. Therefore, it may sound difficult to find the read word instruction. However, all we need is an instruction that reads memory from an address in some register to a register, which is a fairly common operation.

This method is described in detail in the article Firmware dumping technique for an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC. I highly recommend reading it.

nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass)

Here, the situation is more complicated, and the security level prohibits access to Debug Port. Therefore, the previous method will not work.

This is where voltage glitching comes in. Voltage glitching (also known as fault injection or power glitching) is a technique used in hacker attacks on microcontrollers and other embedded systems to disrupt their normal operation and gain access to protected information or functions. This technique is based on temporarily changing (glitching) the power supply voltage of a device, causing it to malfunction. While the microcontroller is running, short bursts (glitches) of low or high voltage are applied at certain points in time that disrupt the normal operation of the device. These glitches can cause errors in the execution of processor instructions, such as skipping or incorrect execution of individual instructions. This can cause the microcontroller to miss important safety checks. If a glitch is successfully synchronized, it can disable security mechanisms or access protected memory, allowing an attacker to retrieve sensitive data or gain control of the system.

The main goal of this method is to find the exact time interval to apply this glitch.

The author of nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass) Part 1 leverages this method by determining the exact time when the AHB-AP has to initialize itself according to the value of the APPROTECT, which is stored in UICR (a dedicated Flash memory partition) and applies the glitch at that exact time, which allows him to bypass the protection and gain access to the DebugPort. I highly suggest reading the original article for a deeper dive on this method.


This article has only scratched the surface of embedded device security in general and JTAG security in particular. If you have experience in cyber security or JTAG attacks, I would love to hear what you have learned and what topics I missed! :) I suggest you read the sources mentioned below – there are so many interesting security discussions there. Well, this article concludes my dive into the topic of JTAG protocol. Thanks to all who read it.

Note: This article was originally published by Aliaksandr on his blog. You can find the original article here.

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Aliaksandr Kavalchuk is a firmware engineer with over 10 years of experience.