From Zero to main(): How to Write a Bootloader from Scratch

This is the third post in our Zero to main() series, where we bootstrap a working firmware from zero code on a cortex-M series microcontroller.

Previously, we wrote a startup file to bootstrap our C environment, and a linker script to get the right data at the right addresses. These two will allow us to write a monolithic firmware which we can load and run on our microcontrollers.

In practice, this is not how most firmware is structured. Digging through vendor SDKs, you’ll notice that they all recommend using a bootloader to load your applications. A bootloader is a small program which is responsible for loading and starting your application.

In this post, we will explain why you may want a bootloader, how to implement one, and cover a few advanced techniques you may use to make your bootloader more useful.

If you’d rather listen to me present this information and see some demos in action, watch this webinar recording

Why you may need a bootloader

Bootloaders serve many purposes, ranging from security to software architecture.

Most commonly, you may need a bootloader to load your software. Some microcontrollers like Dialog’s DA14580 have little to no onboard flash and instead rely on an external device to store firmware code. In that case, it is the bootloader’s job to copy code from non-executable storage, such as a SPI flash, to an area of memory that can be executed from, such as RAM.

Bootloaders also allow you to decouple parts of the program that are mission critical, or that have security implications, from application code which changes regularly. For example, your bootloader may contain firmware update logic so your device can recover no matter how bad a bug ships in your application firmware.

Last but certainly not least, bootloaders are an essential component of a trusted boot architecture. Your bootloader can, for example, verify a cryptographic signature to make sure the application has not been replaced or tampered with.

A minimal bootloader

Let’s build a simple bootloader together. To start, our bootloader must do two things:

  1. Execute on MCU boot
  2. Jump to our application code

We’ll need to decide on a memory map, write some bootloader code, and update our application to make it bootload-able.

Setting the stage

For this example, we’ll be using the same setup as we did in our previous Zero to Main posts:

Deciding on a memory map

We must first decide on how much space we want to dedicate to our bootloader. Code space is precious - your application may come to need more of it - and you will not be able to change this without updating your bootloader, so make this as small as you possibly can.

Another important factor is your flash sector size: you want to make sure you can erase app sectors without erasing bootloader data, or vice versa. Consequently, your bootloader region must end on a flash sector boundary (typically 4kB).

I decided to go with a 16kB region, leading to the following memory map:

        0x0 +---------------------+
            |                     |
            |     Bootloader      |
            |                     |
     0x4000 +---------------------+
            |                     |
            |                     |
            |     Application     |
            |                     |
            |                     |
    0x30000 +---------------------+

We can transcribe that memory into a linker script:

/* memory_map.ld */
  bootrom  (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00004000
  approm   (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x00004000, LENGTH = 0x0003C000
  ram      (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00008000

__bootrom_start__ = ORIGIN(bootrom);
__bootrom_size__ = LENGTH(bootrom);
__approm_start__ = ORIGIN(approm);
__approm_size__ = LENGTH(approm);

Since linker scripts are composable, we will be able to include that memory map into the linker scripts we write for our bootloader and our application.

You’ll notice that the linker script above declares some variables. We’ll need those for our bootloader to know where to find the application. To make them accessible in C code, we declare them in a header file:

/* memory_map.h */
#pragma once

extern int __bootrom_start__;
extern int __bootrom_size__;
extern int __approm_start__;
extern int __approm_size__;

Implementing the bootloader itself

Next up, let’s write some bootloader code. Our bootloader needs to start executing on boot and then jump to our app.

We know how to do the first part from our previous post: we need a valid stack pointer at address 0x0 , and a valid Reset_Handler function setting up our environment at address 0x4. We can reuse our previous startup file and linker script, with one change: we use memory_map.ld rather than define our own MEMORY section.

We also need to put our code in the bootrom region from our memory rather than the rom region in our previous post.

Our linker script therefore looks like this:

/* bootloader.ld */
INCLUDE memory_map.ld

/* Section Definitions */
    .text :
        KEEP(*(.vectors .vectors.*))
        _etext = .;
    } > bootrom

To jump into our application, we need to know where the Reset_Handler of the app is, and what stack pointer to load. Again, we know from our previous post that those should be the first two 32-bit words in our binary, so we just need to dereference those addresses using the __approm_start__ variable from our memory map.

/* bootloader.c */
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "memory_map.h"

int main(void) {
  uint32_t *app_code = (uint32_t *)__approm_start__;
  uint32_t app_sp = app_code[0];
  uint32_t app_start = app_code[1];
  /* TODO: Start app */
  /* Not Reached */
  while (1) {}

Next we must load that stack pointer and jump to the code. This will require a bit of assembly code.

ARM MCUs use the msr instruction to load immediate or register data into system registers, in this case the MSP register or “Main Stack Pointer”.

Jumping to an address is done with a branch, in our case with a bx instruction.

We wrap those two into a start_app function which accepts our pc and sp as arguments, and get our minimal bootloader:

/* bootloader.c */
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "memory_map.h"

static void start_app(uint32_t pc, uint32_t sp) __attribute__((naked)) {
    __asm("           \n\
          msr msp, r1 /* load r1 into MSP */\n\
          bx r0       /* branch to the address at r0 */\n\

int main(void) {
  uint32_t *app_code = (uint32_t *)__approm_start__;
  uint32_t app_sp = app_code[0];
  uint32_t app_start = app_code[1];
  start_app(app_start, app_sp);
  /* Not Reached */
  while (1) {}

Note: hardware resources initialized in the bootloader must be de-initialized before control is transferred to the app. Otherwise, you risk breaking assumptions the app code is making about the state of the system

Making our app bootloadable

We must update our app to take advantage of our new memory map. This is again done by updating our linker script to include memory_map.ld and changing our sections to go to the approm region rather than rom.

/* app.ld */
INCLUDE memory_map.ld

/* Section Definitions */
    .text :
        KEEP(*(.vectors .vectors.*))
        _etext = .;
    } > approm

We also need to update the vector table used by the microcontroller. The vector table contains the address of every exception and interrupt handler in our system. When an interrupt signal comes in, the ARM core will call the address at the corresponding offset in the vector table.

For example, the offset for the Hard fault handler is 0xc, so when a hard fault is hit, the ARM core will jump to the address contained in the table at that offset.

By default, the vector table is at address 0x0, which means that when our chip powers up, only the bootloader can handle exceptions or interrupts! Fortunately, ARM provides the Vector Table Offset Register to dynamically change the address of the vector table. The register is at address 0xE000ED08 and has a simple layout:

31                                  7              0
|                                   |              |
|              TBLOFF               |   Reserved   |
|                                   |              |

Where TBLOFF is the address of the vector table. In our case, that’s the start of our text section, or _stext. To set it in our app, we add the following to our Reset_Handler:

/* startup_samd21.c */
/* Set the vector table base address */
uint32_t *vector_table = (uint32_t *) &_stext;
uint32_t *vtor = (uint32_t *)0xE000ED08;
*vtor = ((uint32_t) vector_table & 0xFFFFFFF8);

One quirk of the ARMv7-m architecture is the alignment requirement for the vector table, as specified in section B1.5.3 of the reference manual:

The Vector table must be naturally aligned to a power of two whose alignment value is greater than or equal to (Number of Exceptions supported x 4), with a minimum alignment of 128 bytes.The entry at offset 0 is used to initialize the value for SP_main, see The SP registers on page B1-8. All other entries must have bit [0] set, as the bit is used to define the EPSR T-bit on exception entry (see Reset behavior on page B1-20 and Exception entry behavior on page B1-21 for details).

Our SAMD21 MCU has 28 interrupts on top of the 16 system reserved exceptions, for a total of 44 entries in the table. Multiply that by 4 and you get 176. The next power of 2 is 256, so our vector table must be 256-byte aligned.

Putting it all together

Because it is hard to witness the bootloader execute, we add a print line to each of our programs:

/* boootloader.c */
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "memory_map.h"

static void start_app(uint32_t pc, uint32_t sp) {
    __asm("           \n\
          msr msp, r1 /* load r1 into MSP */\n\
          bx r0       /* branch to the address at r0 */\n\

int main() {

  uint32_t *app_code = (uint32_t *)__approm_start__;
  uint32_t app_sp = app_code[0];
  uint32_t app_start = app_code[1];

  start_app(app_start, app_sp);

  // should never be reached
  while (1);


/* app.c */
int main() {

  while (true) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {}

Note that the bootloader must deinitialize the serial peripheral before starting the app, or you’ll have a hard time trying to initialize it again.

You can compile both these programs and load the resulting elf files with gdb which will put them at the correct address. However, the more convenient thing to do is to build a single binary which contains both programs.

To do that, you must go through the following steps:

  1. Pad the bootloader binary to the full 0x4000 bytes
  2. Create the app binary
  3. Concatenate the two

Creating a binary from an elf file is done with objcopy . To accommodate our use case, objcopy has some handy options:

$ arm-none-eabi-objcopy --help | grep -C 2 pad
  -b --byte <num>                  Select byte <num> in every interleaved block
     --gap-fill <val>              Fill gaps between sections with <val>
     --pad-to <addr>               Pad the last section up to address <addr>
     --set-start <addr>            Set the start address to <addr>
    {--change-start|--adjust-start} <incr>

The —pad-to option will pad the binary up to an address, and —gap-fill will allow you to specify the byte value to fill the gap with. Since we are writing our firmware to flash memory, we should fill with 0xFF which is the erase value of flash, and pad to the max address of our bootloader.

We implement those rule in our Makefile, to avoid having to type them out each time:

# Makefile
$(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-app.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-app.elf
  $(OCPY) $< $@ -O binary
  $(SZ) $<

$(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-boot.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-boot.elf
  $(OCPY) --pad-to=0x4000 --gap-fill=0xFF -O binary $< $@
  $(SZ) $<

Last but not least, we need to concatenate our two binaries. As funny as that may sound, this is best achieved with cat:

# Makefile
$(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT).bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-boot.bin $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-app.bin
  cat $^ > $@

Beyond the MVP

Our bootloader isn’t too useful so far, it only loads our application. We could do just as well without it. In the following sections, I will go through a few useful things you can do with a bootloader.

Message passing to catch reboot loops

A common thing to do with a bootloader is monitor stability. This can be done with a relatively simple setup:

  1. On boot, the bootloader increments a persistent counter
  2. After the app has been stable for a while (e.g. 1 minute), it resets the counter to 0
  3. If the counter gets to 3, the bootloader does not start the app but instead signals an error.

This requires shared, persistent data between the application and the bootloader which is retained across reboots. On some architectures, non volatile registers are available which make this easy. This is the case on all STM32 microcontrollers which have RTC backup registers.

More often than not, we can use a region of RAM to get the same result. As long as the system remains powered, the RAM will keep its state even if the device reboots.

First, we carve some RAM for shared data in our memory map:

/* memory_map.ld */
  bootrom  (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00004000
  approm   (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x00004000, LENGTH = 0x0003C000
  shared   (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x1000
  ram      (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20001000, LENGTH = 0x00007000

/* shared data starts point at the origin of the shared region */
_shared_data_start = ORIGIN(shared);

We can then create a data structure and assign it to this section, with getters to read it:

/* shared.h */

#include <inttypes.h>

uint8_t shared_data_get_boot_count(void);

void shared_data_increment_boot_count(void);

void shared_data_reset_boot_count(void);

/* shared.c */

#include "shared.h"

extern uint32_t _shared_data_start;

#pragma pack (push)
struct shared_data {
  uint8_t boot_count;
#pragma pack (pop)

struct shared_data *sd = (struct shared_data *)&_shared_data_start;

uint8_t shared_data_get_boot_count(void) {
  return sd->boot_count;

void shared_data_increment_boot_count(void) {

void shared_data_reset_boot_count(void) {
  sd->boot_count = 0;

We compile the shared module into both our app and our bootloader, and can read the boot count in both programs.

Relocating our app from flash to RAM

More commonly, bootloaders are used to relocate applications before they are executed. Relocations involves copying the application code from one place to another in order to execute it. This is useful when your application is stored in non-executable memory like a SPI flash.

Consider the following memory map:

/* memory_map.ld */
  bootrom  (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00010000
  approm   (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x00010000, LENGTH = 0x00004000
  ram      (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00004000
  eram     (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20004000, LENGTH = 0x00004000

__bootrom_start__ = ORIGIN(bootrom);
__bootrom_size__ = LENGTH(bootrom);
__approm_start__ = ORIGIN(approm);
__approm_size__ = LENGTH(approm);
__eram_start__ = ORIGIN(eram);
__eram_size__ = LENGTH(eram);

In this case, approm is our app storage and eram is our executable RAM, where we want to copy our program. Our bootloader needs to copy the code from approm to eram before executing it.

We know from our previous blog post that executable code typically ends up in the .text section so we must tell the linker that this section is stored in approm but executed from eram so our program can execute correctly.

This is similar to our .data section, which is stored in rom but lives in ram while the program is running. We use the AT linker command to specify the storage region and the > operator to specify the load region. This is the resulting linker script section:

/* app.ld */
    .text :
        KEEP(*(.vectors .vectors.*))
    } > eram AT > approm

We then update our bootloader to copy our code from one to the other before starting the app:

  /* booloader.c */

  /* copy app code to eram */
  uint32_t *src = (uint32_t*) &__approm_start__;
  uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t*) &__eram_start__;
  int size = (int) &__approm_size__;
  printf("Copying firmware from %p to %p\n", src, dst);
  memcpy(dst, src, size);

  /* find app start & SP */
  uint32_t app_sp = dst[0];
  uint32_t app_start = dst[1];

  /* cleanup peripherals here we may have initialized */

  /* start the app */
  start_app(app_start, app_sp);

Locking the bootloader with the MPU

Last but not least, we can protect the bootloader using the memory protection unit to make it inaccessible from the app. This prevents accidentally erasing the bootloader during execution.

If you do not know about the MPU, check out Chris’s excellent blog post from a few weeks ago.

Remember that our MPU regions must be power-of-2 sized. Thankfully, our bootloader already is! 0x4000 is 2^14 bytes.

We add the following MPU code to our bootloader:

/* bootloader.c */
int main(void) {
  /* ... */
  base_addr = 0x0;
  *mpu_rbar = (base_addr | 1 << 4 | 1);
  //  AP=0b110 to make the region read-only regardless of privilege
  //  TEXSCB=0b000010 because the Code is in "Flash memory"
  //  SIZE=13 because we want to cover 16kiB
  //  ENABLE=1
  *mpu_rasr = (0b110 << 24) | (0b000010 << 16) | (13 << 1) | 0x1;

  start_app(app_start, app_sp);

  /* Not reached */
  while (1) {}


We hope reading this post has given you a good idea of how bootloaders work, and what you can do with them. As with previous posts, code examples are available on Github in the zero to main repository.

What cool things does your bootloader do? Tell us all about it in the comments, or at

Next time in the series, we’ll talk about bootstrapping the C library!

EDIT: Post written! - Bootstrapping libc with Newlib

Interested in learning more device firmware update best practices? Watch this webinar recording

François Baldassari has worked on the embedded software teams at Sun, Pebble, and Oculus. He is currently the CEO of Memfault.